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Shelters and rescue groups attempt to provide all of the following supplies to foster parents. If you're inclined to help out by donating any of the supplies, you are helping to save lives! The shelter accepts donation drop offs during normal business hours, and our rescue group can always use items off the wishlist. Thank you for your generosity! 

What the Shelter Provides Foster Parents 

1. food (both wet and dry)

2. medications prescribed by the vet 

3. carrier/travel method 

4. bedding and laundry 

5. gloves and/or other personal protective equipment 

6. formula and bottles (for neonates) 

7. litter and litter box (when old enough) 


Max and I have been fostering for quite some time, and have cared for dozens of neonatal and sick kittens. We try our best to provide quality enrichment and comfort for all the kittens who come into our care. You can support us by sponsoring a sterilization procedure, or by purchasing an item off our wishlist. 


Cat Neuter: $35

Cat Spay: $50

*both procedures include an ear tip and rabies vaccination


1. cleaning supplies (rescue brand is great!) 

2. enrichment (toys, scratchers, stuffed animals) 

3. tissues, paper towels, extra hand towels 

I raise handsome boys that's for
my little brother isn't so little anymor
today was ruff but we snuggling it out.j
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