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According to the "Home at Last" rescue organization, more than 6 million feral cats live in the US today. Almost 80% of the kittens born each year are born to feral parents. Unfortunately, feral colonies are at a much higher risk for feline infectious diseases and parasites. Feral cats are also one of the major causes for wild bird declines across the country. It is our job to help these colonies reduce population sizes, and live healthy lives by providing sterilization surgery, rabies and FVRCP vaccinations, and care for orphaned kittens. The most achievable way to do this is through trap, neuter and release. Feral cats are caught using humane traps, sterilized, and returned to their homes. This ensures that the reproductive cycle slows and ceases, and ensures that community cats are vaccinated against diseases that could affect us, and our own pets! If you are interested in learning how to trap, check out the links listed here. 

gonna have a hard time saying goodbye to
Yolo County Spay/Neuter Clinics 
peep the new kids.jpg
Phoenix today vs. Phoenix when I got her

This fund sponsors the spay and neuter procedures of feral cats that I help to trap and get fixed. As undergraduate and graduate students, we struggle to pay for all of these ourselves, and could use support! 

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