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  • elliepurpura

The Street Kittens

My most recent rescues are a trio of 5-6 month old kittens off the streets of Yuba City. I saw these guys "free to an outdoor home" on Facebook, and immediately questioned their situation. There is no such thing as a "free kitten"- at least, not one who has had medical care and adoption processing. I messaged the individual who posted about these kids, and found out that their situation was even more tragic than I anticipated. Their mom is a feral street cat, and has given birth to multiple litters over the years. Not knowing what to do, the local humans have continuously rehomed the kittens. Although well intentioned, this approach is not a long term solution. Kittens will continue to be reborn, and the cycle is not a sustainable option in terms of getting kittens sterilized, vaccinated and microchipped. It also doesn't ensure proper background checking of potential adopters.

I knew I had to step in.

I took the kittens into my care, and with the help of some truly amazing veterinarians, vet techs, and volunteers, we were able to provide this trio with the medical treatments they deserve.

They received deworming medications and FVRCP/FELV/rabies vaccinations. They were microchipped. They were spayed and neutered, to prevent any more kittens down the line. All 3 were suffering from ear mites, and received an ear cleaning treatment. All 3 were infested with tapeworms, and received a stronger deworming medication. They are recovering well in my home. If you're interested in adoption, you can check out their individual profiles soon on my "adoptable kittens" page, and send me a message!

I will return to their birth site this weekend to trap their mom- so that we can spay her too.

We are working with the local TNR organization to attempt to get the other cats in this colony spayed and neutered. It truly takes a village!

But it also takes the knowledge and education to question the background, and quality of life, of the animals that we see in our community. Adoptable animals all deserve medical care, the proper vaccinations, and sterilization surgery. They also deserve vetted adopters, who understand the commitment they are making for the next 10-20 years. Adoption fees and contracts ensure this. If you aren't sure that an animal in your area is receiving the care it needs, speak up!

I'm proud of the changes we were able to make in these kittens' lives, and so grateful for the community of animal advocates that helped me make it happen.

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